
New Music

How To Find New Music You'll Love

By David J P Smith

New Music

The world is full of new music. It is fair to say that there is more new music written and produced each year than in the history of the world, and this means that there is potentially more new music that you enjoy than ever before. The age of digital recording and production (anyone can easily buy a copy of Cubase Pro Tools and start making songs) means that the being and the artist is not something only for the elite, rich and famous.

New MusicSo how do you find all this great new music is there? There's a great free site that can be used is called Pandora (it can be easily found at Google), that allows you to put in a song or artist that you want before you come back to you with a list of similar songs or artists that you would never have not heard from. You can give each new track 'thumbs up or thumbs-down to help Pandora's focus on what exactly your taste of new music.

New MusicThey call it 'Music Genome Project (apparently a reference to the human genome project, which aims to map human DNA) and their purpose is mainly to break the new music in the most basic elements and index every track in existence, and put each one into many categories, so that they can be easily invoked. The only drawback is that Pandora (in connection with the laws of new music copyright), you should be in the United States access to it. Despite this, Pandora is working worldwide license, and hope to audiences around the world soon.

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