
Download Mp3s

How to Download Mp3s to Psp in 3 Quick Steps

Find out how to download Mp3s to PSP is one of the easiest things, Äôll not ever Download Mp3sdo that-it really is! Your PSP is a great thing to have, you can watch movies on it and play games, even surf the web, but what's the point if you do not, AOT know how to do these things? Sit back and relax while I show you how to download Mp3s for PSP.

How to download Mp3s for PSP Part 1

If you have songs stored on a computer in the form of MP3's, you win, AOT needs to do this, but if you do not, AOT you will need some software, Äúrip, Au music Download Mp3sfrom your CDs and save them to your computer. Many computers will have this as standard software, but if you do not, AOT has just done a quick Google search and that, AOS really not difficult to find the MP3 software today.

How to download Mp3s for PSP Part 1

Once again, if you already have stored as MP3 songs, you win, AOT need to do this step, but if you do not, they have AOT such as MP3's you'll need to use software to convert them to MP3. Insert the CD into the computer and use your ripping software to choose any song you want. This win, AOT take a long time.

How to download Mp3s for PSP Part 3

Download Mp3sIn order to download Mp3s to PSP, you need to connect a computer to a PSP with a USB cable. Leave the PSP is turned off when you do this, and turned it on after the connection is made. Next you should create a folder in the PSP memory stick for storing music. You can call it whatever you want as long as this in the PSP folder called Music. How to download Mp3s to PSP there is enough to copy the music you want and paste into the folder you just created. By Billy Torecki

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