
You Tube Music

You Tube Music to Play Music Again.
Beginning in 2008 YouTube should delete all the music videos from the site after licensing negotiations can not be resolved. As we all know, YouTube has a large You Tube Musicuser base and thousands if not millions of surprise guests that they can now no longer watch their favorite artists online.

But things have all changed now as You Tube Music has completed an agreement with the PRS, which deals with pay royalties to songwriters and musicians. The deal this time, although a bit different such as YouTube has agreed to pay a lump sum rather than pay-per-view model mentioned earlier. The deal is set to last until 2012.

So what does it mean for You Tube Music industry? You Tube MusicWe are thousands of videos now be placed back into the site. Although it will take about a week to restore all the music videos, visitors will be pleased with the news that they can once again see your favorite artists they perform some great songs.

This personally glad to see this great video again, but I think the things that we forget to understand here is how much power is actually a horse YouTube. I mean when the site first launched really great resource and it makes people not known to be a star, just because their incredible talent.

YouTube, in my personal opinion, should be paid the money, not give it to someone else for the license. Artists and record companies should not really want money for their videos on You Tube Music, because ultimately they are free to give extra exposure.

Just think like this, an artist is to release a new single that has not been broadcast on radio or television, but it was increasingly looking for artists to large numbers on You Tube MusicYouTube and on Google. This will give their latest single, large air time and it will make people start talking about it and start blogging. If the user is then like these songs they would go and buy it from a single shop or order online. Which will end a record label artists and more money.

You Tube Music already has a huge cost because of the server, space and bandwidth problems. We should be able to see the site like this, because if things continue to make losses there is no way they can survive. By Musa Aykac

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